Key benefits
- Fast knockdown against Whiteflies and Hoppers
- Safe to flowers and beneficial insects.
- Cost-effcient and can last up to 2 weeks.
How it works
Sefina® is the only member of the new MOA Subgroup 9D. It provides effective control of devastating piercing and sucking insects pest, such as whiteflies, leafhoppers including those that have developed resistance to other insecticides.
It provides rapid feeding cessation of insect pests, which in turn reduces virus transmission.
It was derived from a natural process, Sefina® exhibits a favorable environmental profile with low acute toxicity to mammals, fish, birds, and important beneficial anthropods, including insect predators and pollinators, such as honeybees.
<h2 style="color: rgb(146, 208, 80);">Crop Suitability</h2>
Target Disease/Pest Rate Timing of Application Hoppers 25-30mL/16L,
if spray volume is 31 tank loads/ha
Early vegetative stage,
7-10days interval
Whitefly 30-40mL/16L,
if spray volume is 25 tank loads/ha
Vegetative to Fruiting stage,
7-10 days interval